Jennifer Aarons, PhD

Assistant Professor

She began teaching primarily Latin and Classics-related courses at ACU in January of 2008. Katherine serves as the advisor for the Classics National Honor Society (ΗΣΦ) and OGRE (Order of Greco-Roman Enthusiasts), as well as being an active member of the Interdisciplinary Center of Hellenic Studies (ICHS) and the Friends of Hellenic Studies (FHS). Her research focuses on the ancient Greek and Roman novels. Katherine is currently working on three manuscripts. The first focuses on the role of pirates and robbers in the ancient novels and the other two are in collaboration with former students: one is an intermediate Greek text on Aesop’s Fables; the other is a collection of essays on suicide in the ancient Greco-Roman world.


Ph.D., The Ohio State University


Review of Stefan Tilg’s Chariton of Aphrodisias and the invention of the Greek Love Novel (Oxford UP, 2010).Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Bryn Mawr, PA: BMCR, 2011.