Department Description

The Electronics and Communications program

The Electronics and Communications program in the Electrical Department at the Faculty of Engineering offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with a strong foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of electronics and communication engineering.

Program Objectives:
1. To provide students with a solid understanding of fundamental principles in electronics, communication systems, signal processing, and related areas.
2. To develop students' analytical, problem-solving, and design skills through hands-on laboratory work, projects, and industry collaborations.
3. To prepare students for careers in industries such as telecommunications, semiconductor technology, embedded systems, and more.
4. To foster innovation and research in cutting-edge technologies within the field of electronics and communications.

Curriculum Highlights:
- Core courses covering topics such as analog and digital electronics, communication theory, electromagnetic fields, microprocessors, and more.
- Advanced electives allowing students to specialize in areas like wireless communications, optical communications, VLSI design, or networking.
- Laboratory sessions to provide practical experience with industry-standard tools and equipment.

Career Opportunities:
Graduates from our program have opportunities to work as electronics engineers, wireless mobile communications, embedded systems specialists, network engineers and research scientists in R&D labs.

Faculty Staff

Ahmed Mohamed Anwar Mohamed Al-Maghraby
Teaching Assistant View Details
Mohamed abdelaleim mohamed abdelmoety
Teaching Assistant View Details