Mohamed abdelaleim mohamed abdelmoety

Teaching Assistant

Mohamed Abdel-Aleim holds a B.Sc. in Communications and Electronics Engineering from Ain Shams University and a master's degree from AASTMT. He currently teaches various courses at Ahram Canadian University . Additionally, he is a member of the Youth Committee of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers.


Jul 2018 – May 2024 M.Sc. Arab academy for science and technology, Cairo Master Degree in the field of Communication Engineering GPA : 3.7 Sep 2007 - Jul 2012 B.Sc. Ain Shams University, Cairo Overall Grade: Very Good with Honor. Graduation Project (UMTS and LTE Planning and dimensioning tool) Grade: Excellent

  • Electronics and Communications Engineering

[1]Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree. “ICATAS23-Metamaterial Structure Effect on Printed Antenna for LTE/WIFI /Cancer Diagnosis”. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, May 2024, [2] F. Taher, M. Alathbah, M. Abdel-Aleim M., T. Alghamdi, M. F. A. Sree and S. Y. A. Fatah, "Wireless Insights Into Cognitive Wellness: A Paradigm Shift in Alzheimer’s Detection Through Ultrathin Wearable Antennas," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 59318-59334, 2024 [3] M. A. -A. M., M. Hassan and M. F. A. Sree, "Detecting Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease Using an Ultra-Thin Wearable Antenna," 2024 6th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE), Moscow, Russian Federation, 2024, pp. 1-8 [4] M. A. -A. M, M. Hassan and F. A. S. Mohamed, "Detecting Selected Neurodegenerative Diseases Through Microwave Technology: Modeling and Identifying Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease," 2024 6th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE), Moscow, Russian Federation, 2024, pp. 1-6 [5] A. Allam, Diaa fawzy, M.atef, A. Amar, Naser O. P., M. Abdelaeim M. and M. F. A. Sree,” Bandwidth Enhancement of Octagonal Patch Antenna Using Textile-Based MTM Structures for Smart Watch MM- wave Applications” 2024 1st International Conference on Innovative Engineering Sciences & Technological Research (ICIESTR 2024), Muscat, Oman, 2024. [6] M. Abdelaeim M.,Ahmed F.Miligy, F. Taher, M. F. A. Sree, Assem H. Elfeky, S. Y. A. Fatah, “Advancements in Microwave Technology for Brain Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Survey on Neurodegenerative Diseases, Tumors, and Stroke Detection”, 4th International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2024), Cairo, Egypt, 2024. [7] M. Abdelaeim M., Moath Alathbah, F. Taher, M. F. A. Sree, Thamer Alghamdi, S. Y. A. Fatah, “Advancements in Microwave Technology for Congestive heart failure Diagnosis”, 4th International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2024), Cairo, Egypt, 2024 [8] S. Y. A. Fatah , F. Taher , Moath Alathbah , Thamer Alghamdi, M. F. A. Sree, ,M. Abdelaeim M, “Advancements in Underground Object Detection: Exploring Emerging Techniques and Technologies”, 4th International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2024), Cairo, Egypt, 2024. [9] Ahmed F.Miligy, Assem H. Elfeky, Ahmed S.I Amar, M. Abdel-Aleim M., Alla M. Eid, M. F. A. Sree, “Enhanced Patch Antenna Characteristics Analysis and Implementation with DGS and SMS”, 4th International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2024), Cairo, Egypt, 2024. ** Three papers have been submitted for the upcoming 2024 International Conference on Advanced Technology and Applied Sciences.