Prof.Inas Abou Youssef


Inas Mohamed Abou Youssef (PHD), Dean of Mass Communication Faculty. Ahram Canadian University since 2015. She is a Professor of Journalism and the editor in Chief of the Arab Journal of Media &Communication Research, one of the high ranked refereed journals in Egypt. Professor Abou Youssef main fields of research interests are international communication and media and gender. Her PHD was a co-supervision between Cairo University and UCSD where she has spent two years probing the coverage of the Arab Israeli struggle in the New York Times under the supervision of late Professor Herbert Schiller. As a media and gender researcher, she conducted many researches and papers concerning media and gender in Egypt, Tunisia and conferences at MESA 2013, and Germany 2012,2013,2014 . She was a board member of Egyptian National Council of Women, 2006-2009 and the technical Consultant of Media Women Watch National Council of Women and UNICEF 2004---2011. Professor Abou Youssef is also interested in international collaboration, she is one of the founders of The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) since 2013. She was a Visiting Professor Ocean County College as a Fulbright scholar 2006-2007, a part time teacher in Arabic Language and Communication Program in UN New York 2006 -2008 and a visiting Professor at Monmouth University NJ, USA, Fall 2008 As a Dean OF Mass Communication Faculty. she has a running collaboration program of students exchange with Free University in Berlin and an MOU with Montclair University. Job responsibilities: As Dean of Mass Communication Faculty 1- Updating Faculty vision and mission 2- Designing with faculty staff strategic plan of the faculty 3- Designing with Faculty staff academic programs 4- Responsible of international agreements 5- Head of board of faculty research and training center 6- Head of faculty council 7- Member of university board ,participating in University policy 8- Cooperating in quality assurance for faculty 9- Hiring staff 10- Teaching some courses As a founder and coordinator of AREACORE: 1- Designing activities enhancing academic programs and skills among the members of AREACORE 2- Participating in producing videos about media systems in the Arab World and Germany 3- Producing videos about international communication among graduate students 4- Publishing papers and research and organizing conferences As Coordinator of Communication Cross- Culture Program: 1- Enhancing cross-culture understanding among youth encouraging joint seminars visits 2- Opening-up to share media experiences from different parts of the world by encouraging mutual internships in media institutions, this summer 2011 we have seven students training in DW, TAZ German media institutions and looking forward to for developing an internship systems with these students 3- Encouraging cross –cultural studies and research ,sharing experiences with media Professors all over the world 4- Organizing training courses for university students raising their awareness about dealing with the other, tolerance, human rights ,women rights , leadership and how to be active volunteer in NGOs working in the sphere 5- Organizing training courses on media and development , investigative reporting to local media in Egypt devoting an annual prize to the investigative reporting 6- Organizing workshops on the Media code of ethics with media practitioners and NGOs in different governorates in Egypt, another on their perceptive of the structure of the Supreme Council of Media and the reconstruction of governmental media As the Technical Consultant of Media Women Watch Unit National Council of Women: 1- Designing Strategy for the Media Women Watch 2- Designing the sample of the media and qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting data 3- Training researchers in the unit and supervising their work 4- Editor of quarter reports of the results of the monitoring of the media 2005-2011 5- Producing qualitative reports of specific issues concerning women in Egypt and the media ( five qualitative reports about : religious discourse towards women in the media , analyzing media campaign concerning rationalizing consuming behavior ,domestic violence in Egyptian newspapers and drama , Media trends towards political participation of women , social violence against women in media 6- Organizing training courses to media men and women aiming to build-up a more sensitive generation of media men and women to gender issues 7- Organizing round table discussions with media policy makers in Egypt to probe the Media Watch results 8- Designing a communication strategy for raising awareness of Egyptian women in upper Egypt of their rights As a Professor 1-Teaching research skills and methodology, translation, international communication. Foreign newspapers, Arab newspaper, public opinion, introduction to journalism, editing, news reporting, newspaper graduation project in Arabic 2-Teaching media laws and ethics, media management, introduction to mass media. communication skills, news agencies, reporting and editing news, international communication, magazine editing and reporting, investigative reporting, women and the media , media campaigns and persuasion, qualitative analysis in English 3-Participating in E-course for Master Degree Students in the Arab-Distant Learning Center in Bahrain Kingdom As a Visiting Professor in USA: 1. Teaching reading 1, Arabic Literature in Translation, Women in society –fall 2006 2. Teaching Arabic Literature in Translation, Women in Society, Modern Arab History, Intercultural communication 3. Teaching Media in the Arab World, Intercultural Communication ,Arabic language at Monmouth University As a part time teacher in the Arabic Language and Communication Program in UN 1. Teaching conversation to level 3,4,6,7,8 2. Teaching Media II for advanced levels As a Head of Women & Media Research Center: 1. Organizing training courses for media men and women in gender equity, human rights, building a strategy for improving women image in the media 2. Coordinating with the media men and women plan media campaigns that might raise public awareness concerning women political rights, women and small enterprises, violence against women etc 3. Conducting training courses to faculty and university students to raise their awareness of gender issues As a member of the National Council of Women: 1. Consult of the Women Media Watch, issuing quantitative quarterly reports during the period 2005-2011, and ten qualitative reports –UNICEF 2. Member the Media and Communication committee in the Council 3. Conducting training courses to media men and women on gender issues As a coordinator of Cross-Cultural Communication Program: 1- Producing ten DVDs about cultural life in Egypt in local Egyptian Arabic language in cooperation with AMEDEAST organization to be taught to American the project is supposed to end by 2011 2- Organizing training courses to the Mass Communication Faculty to raise their awareness about citizen right and involving them in community services projects in collaboration with Women development & Society NGO (targeting three workshops annually) 3- Summer School DW Akademie Bonne May 2013 4- Summer School Free University of Berlin June 2013 5- Joint course utilizing social media in Teaching Oct.-Dec.2014 6- Conference on Social media Tunis Oct. 2014 7- Winter School DW Akademie Cairo Dec. 2014 8- A three-year project (2014-2016) training youth in upper Egypt develop their own community on-line radio 9- Developing a training program on investigative reporting to youth journalist in upper Egypt 10- Organizing a regional workshop involving 10 mass communication faculties on how to teach investigative reporting in cooperation with ARIJ network in Jordon and the Arab European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) from the 4-13 of September 2015 Training Courses: 1- Two training courses on the road to becoming an award-winning journalist – Turkey Free Press Unlimited (FPU) -2016 2- Training course on Creative Story Editing for Syrian journalists – Lebanon - Free Press Unlimited (FPU) -2015 3- Organizing and supervising an intensive two-day training at the Ahram Canadian University in Cairo from December 18th – December 19th 2015 was held on “ Data Journalism, in collaboration with AREACORE 4- Training courses to Mass Communication undergrads applied on four faculties on developmental media Communication Research & Training Centre (CRTC) and Fredrich Ebert 2014 5- Training courses to journalists in upper Egypt on how to utilize new media in investigative reporting Egypt Fredrich Elbert and Communication Cross –Culture program –2014 6- Training courses on methods to measure public opinion trends using content analysis Information Association in Egypt 2013 7- Training courses of investigative reporting for local journalists -Egypt Fredrich Ebert and Communication Cross –Culture program –2013 8- Training courses of enabling young journalists and undergrads on integrating citizenship concepts in their coverage in Egypt Fredrich Ebert and Communication Cross –Culture program –2012 9- Training course raising awareness of young journalists with new political variables in Egypt - Fredrich Ebert and Communication Cross –Culture program –July 2011 10- Three workshops on reconstruction of governmental media in Egypt - Fredrich Ebert and Communication Cross –Culture program – ( April, May ,June 2011) 11- Training program to promote NGOs working in combating violence against women skills in dealing with the media – US AID – July -2011 12- Two training courses on integrating gender in the coming elections NCW – National Council of Women -June, Oct 2010 13- Training programs about media campaigns and duties of working team with women candidates to Egyptian Parliament – (Three training courses )- Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ ( May ,June , July 2010) 14- Training course on design election media campaign to women candidates – Political Science Faculty Cairo University – (March 2010) 15- Two Training course on public participation skills for female students - Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ (Feb, July 2010) 16- Women status in remote areas in Egypt a field trip to Wadi Gadeed (New Valley ) in Egypt accompanied with 30 media men and women Fredrich Elbert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ (January2010) 17- Training course on media code of ethics for Iraqi journalists – Arab Journalist Union – Cairo 2009 18- Training course to media people working in the Radio & TV Union to raise their awareness about issues of consuming rationalization –NCW (Dec 2009) 19- Training course to media people working in the Radio & TV Union to raise their awareness of women political participation –NCW (Nov.2009) 20- Training program (three training courses) to raise awareness among Mass Communication Faculty with the CEDAW convention Fredrich Ebert Organization (Feb., June 2009) 21- Round-table concerning designing a communication strategy to combat violence against women in Egypt –NCW –April 2009 22- Training course on how to design a media campaign targeting raising awareness with family laws in Egypt – Egyptian Center for training – June 2008 23- Design media campaign to raise awareness of public with children rights to Dialogue Forum NGO – Canadian Aid (April 2008) 24- Two Training courses raising awareness among female students Mass Communication Faculty with Women's Rights- Fredrich Elbert Organization (June 2008) 25- Training program (three training courses) raising awareness of media women on combating poverty among women - Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ (January- April 2008) 26- Training course on human rights and reserving environment to media men and women - Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo University (March 2007) 27- Training course on combating violence against women and media role – Egyptian Training Organization - (Feb. 2007) 28- Two training courses raising awareness of female students in Mass Communication Faculty concerning human rights _ - Fredrich Elbert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo University – (Feb.2007) 29- Training course on improving public relation department in Ministry of information Bahrain Kingdom –Getrac training center –Egypt – (May 2006) 30- Training course on communication skills to employees of Women development & Society NGO – (May 2006) 31- Training course about designing awareness campaign to rural opinion leaders in upper Egypt concerning micro project –NCW – (April 2006) 32- Seven training courses to local media men to improve women image in the media (February-June 2006) NCW &Women &Media Research Center 33- Three training courses raising awareness among Cairo University students concerning empowering women politically in Egypt -- Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ. (June-July –August 2005) 34- Writing and editing reports – Center of Information and Decision –making support – Ministerial Council – (Oct 2005) 35- News writing and reporting training course –Yemen – Internews network ( March 2005) 36- Training course on raising awareness of media men and women with micro –developmental projects in Egypt - Fredrich Elbert Organization in Egypt and Women &Media research Center Cairo Univ. (Feb 2005) 37- Training course to media watch researchers NCW (January -2005) 38- Training course Media& empowering women in economic development. Women &media Research Center. (March-2005) 39- Training course for Women Media Watch. National Council for Women Egypt (Feb.2005) 40- Training course media &women empowerment-Kuwait- Internews network (Jan.2005) 41- A training course in effective communication. Cairo University Professors. Center of promoting University Professors (Dec.2004) 42- A training course in editing news to the environmental ministry employees (De.2004) 43- A training course in content analysis to the environmental ministry employees (Dec.2004) 44- A training course in communication skills to environmental ministry employees (Oct.2004) 45- A training course in editing economic reports Council of Egyptian Ministers(sep.2004) 46- A workshop for Kosovo Journalists Center of training Cairo University 47- Training course in qualitative methods in public opinion measures to Bahrain Public opinion center, public opinion Center Cairo University (sep.2003) 48- Fifteen training courses in communication skills Pathway to higher education Engineering Faculty Cairo University. (August2003---Jan.2004) 49- Training course for Egyptian Journalists for raising their awareness considering women rights. Women& communication Studies Center and Women national council (3 training courses through June 2003) 50- Training course for women Journalists concerning new coverage of women issues in newspapers Fredrich Ebert Organization in Egypt and Women &communication Studies Center Mass Communication faculty (April 2003), (Feb.2004), (March2004),(May 2004),(June2004) 51- Training course in propaganda methods for NGOs in Souhage Upper Egypt Jan, 2003 52- Training courses in editing news. Protestant Organization in Egypt (June 2002-Oct 2002) (6 training courses) 53- Training course to Albanians journalists Mass Communication Training Center in cooperation with foreign ministry July 2002 54- Training courses n editing news articles for NGOs in Upper Egypt July2002 55- Training course in qualitative analysis in polling for Information Organization personnel. Center of Public opinion Mass Communication faculty-Nov.2001-June2002 56- Training course to Egyptian communicators in human rights field Mass communication training center in cooperation with UNESCO2002 57- Women images in the media towards a new perspective-training course to women communicators –Bani Suief Women center-Feb. 2001. 58- Training course to regional and local journalists –Mass communication dep.-Arts Univ.-Assuit 1999 59- Training course to Egyptian journalists in human rights sphere-Feb.2001 –6 Oct. University 60- The role of communication in promoting NGOs activities-a training course for social ministry personnel 2001. 61- Training courses to administrative personnel concerning analyzing and evaluating polling –Public Opinion Center-Mass Communication faculty –Cairo Univ. 62- Training course to family planning employees-Mass Communication faculty-Cairo University-1998 63- Training courses for women journalists in Mediterranean UNESCO Organization; A-Management of small and middle size news organization Mass Communication faculty-Cairo-Nov.1997- B-Impact of modern technology on traditional newspapers-March 1998-El Yarmouk University-Jordan C-Impact of work environment on women journalists-Cairo-Sep.1999 D-Usage of modern technology in Egyptian newspapers-Higher Institute of Information-Morocco –March ‏2000 E-Evaluating UNESCO training courses for women journalists in Mediterranean –Paris-May 2000 64- . Cooperating in African Journalists training courses –African Journalist Union 1996-2002 65- Training Commonwealth journalists-Mass Communication Faculty-Cairo University-Nov.1994, August 95. Social Activities; 1-A board member in Land Mines Struggle Center 2-Head of communication &information committee Egyptian Scientific Organization to reserve Environment 3-Deputy manager of Women &Communication Research Center Cairo University2003-2005 4-A member of women committee Radio&T.V. Union. 5-A member of the Code of Ethic Watch in Egyptian Higher Supreme Council 6-Executive manager of Women Media Watch, National Council of Women &UNICEF


-Ph.D. Cairo University, March 1995, "The image of the Third World in Egyptian and American newspapers 1980-1989.” An applied study on the Arab Israeli Struggle coverage in the New York Times and El Ahram newspaper. Research included two years as a visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, under the supervision of Professor Herbert Schiller and six months collecting data at the Leicester Media Institute, supervised by Professor James Halloran -M.A. Cairo University, Mass Communication Faculty, 1987 "Youth Press in Egypt 1952-1980"

  • Journalism and Integrated Media

A- Refereed research in Journals: 1- Egyptian Women Controversial Issues and Digital Public Sphere: Can Social Media Debates be used as indicators of social struggle in Society , Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies , Vol. 46 No. 2 , Winter 2023 2- Image of Egypt during the Islamist Regime in Israeli newspapers . A secondary analysis of SIS reports. Egyptian Journal of Mass Communication – Cairo University – June 2014 3- Egyptian newspaper discourse towards the state identity –an analytical Study on Parisian newspapers in Egypt June –December 2012 - Egyptian Journal of Mass Communication – Cairo University – January 2013 4- Media and the transition period in Egypt: The role of media coverage in forming audience attitudes towards the SCAF ruling period in Egypt – Egyptian Journal of Mass Communication – Cairo University –July2012 5- Trends of Egyptian reporters towards the reconstruction of governmental media in Egypt after the 25th of January revolution- Egyptian public opinion research journal – Cairo University – January 2012 6- Violence against women in Egyptian media discourse – a sociological comparative study between violence against women presented in newspapers and violence against women practiced in upper Egypt – Egyptian public opinion research journal – Cairo University –December 2010 7- The Arab discourse in national crisis. A comparative study of the Iraqi-USA crisis 1998 in the Iraqi, American, Egyptian newspapers (Dec. 2001) 8- The image of Palestinian Intifada among Egyptian preparatory school students in GizaOct.2001 9- Political and elections awareness among Cairo University Students, (Jan.2001) 10- Factors affecting the coverage of Arab World in Egyptian Newspaper. (August 1999) 11- The usage of internet by Egyptian Journalists (Oct.1998) B- Research and papers presented to conferences 1- "Image of women in media after the Egyptian revolution -conference " Transformation in the Arab Region and Women’s Issue – Future Perspectives – Cairo Egypt -2012 2- "Arab-American Teens and Face Book," to the conference "Contemporary Research in Arab American Studies: New Trends and Critical Perspectives," Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, Nov. 4-6, 2011, honoring the late Professor Michael Suleiman 3- The image of American and Muslim women in Arab and American Newspaper a cross cultural analysis. Middle Eastern Studies Association Conference-Washington -2009 4- The trends of Egyptian public opinion towards women. A survey applied in three governorates.2004, National Council of Women & UODA 5- The image of African women in Egyptian newspaper presented to African Co-operation El Dawaa Faculty Kar Younise University Libya. 6- The image of Arab family in Arab women magazines: presented in Family conference Arab League 1998 7- The impact of information age on Egyptian newspaper discourse: delivered to the Middle East on threshold of the 21-century conference April 1996. Al Bait University Jordan. 8- Evaluation to international journalism research. Conference of journalism dep. Cairo Univ.1995) 9- The image of youth in Egyptian newspapers after Sadat assassination: delivered in Mass Communication Faculty symposium (Youth and the Media 1985) C-Co-Researches: 1- Distance teaching in media departments in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experiences from six Arab countries , Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching , Vol.5 No.2 (2022 ) , 29 August 2022, 2- Design of a cross-border course in newsroom management based on blended learning strategies , the journal of Arab research center , January 2022 3- Mass Communication in the Modern Arab World, Ongoing Agents of Change following the Arab Spring , author of chapter 5 , Rowman & Littlefield Partners ,May 2022 4- Journalism Education in Developing Countries – DW Akademie -2014 5- Egyptian Public attitudes towards Birds Flue media campaign - Information Association in Egypt 2010 6- Probing reasons gap between awareness and behavior concerning family planning programs in Egypt – Information Association in Egypt 2009 7- The status of Women in Egyptian Governorates – Ferdirch Ebert – Egypt -2009 8- Violence against Women in Egyptian media –a secondary analysis of the media watch results –US Aid –Egypt 2009 9- Women and Media in Egypt –a secondary analysis review on the studies conducted on the media and women in the last 25 years –National Council of Women & UNICEF –Egypt 2007 10- The Image of Women in Arab Media –A secondary Review analysis of Media and women research in the Arab World –Tunisia –ANGED organization in cooperation with UNIFEM 11- Media and Women in the Arab World. Co-research in Egypt and Bahrain Kingdom (feb.2005) W0men&Communication Center and The Gulf Research Center 12- Readers attitude towards issuing a women magazine in Upper Egypt UNESCO 1998 13- Teenagers attitude towards T, V. programs UNECEF2000 14- Egyptian Journalists attitudes towards the future of printed newspapers -Journalism dep. Cairo University. 1989 15- Evaluating media planning towards family planning policy . Health ministry 1998 16- -Media and women in rural and urban regions in Egypt Journalism dep. Cairo University 17- The future Al AHRAM newspaper -Public opinion center Cairo Unv.1998 18- The role of NGOs in family planning -Public opinion center Cairo Unv.1997 19- Evaluating illiteracy media campaign Center of women and media studies -Cairo university 1996 20- Crime news in Egyptian newspaper -The national center of social research 1986 21- The image of universities in Egyptian newspapers -The national center of social research 1985 D-Periodical Reports: 1- Editor of chief of a quarterly report monitoring the image of women in Egyptian media 2005-2011 2- Monthly report monitoring Egyptian newspapers publishing in English abide to the Egyptian media code of ethics 1998-2008