Department Description

computer engineering is engineering that is focused on designing computer systems to generate new technologies and satisfy constantly evolving requirements. Numerous disciplines are included in this branch of engineering, including artificial intelligence, communications, networking, software engineering, intelligent systems, data science, design, and operating systems. The Department of Computer Engineering at Ahram Canadian University seeks to equip students with contemporary scientific and intellectual abilities to prepare them for careers as professional and productive computer engineers. These engineers should also be able to communicate effectively with others and be able to learn new things throughout their lives by participating in scientific research and pursuing higher education. Additionally, they actively support the needs of society.

The significance of computer engineering in creating critical areas:
Geography is no longer a barrier to information sharing and access thanks to computer engineering and technology applications.
Computer engineering and breakthroughs enabled people to work remotely, and ideas came from everywhere.
Computers have made the world a smaller and more connected place by creating the modern digital media universe.
Every day in computer engineering brings new techniques, programs, discoveries, breakthroughs, and creativity.
The discipline of computer engineering is constantly evolving, and the lives of computer engineers.
Computer engineers are people that innovate in the digital and technical development industries by creating computer programs that address important parts of our life.
Computer engineers create theories, design, develop, and implement software and hardware for the applications we use every day.
Computer engineers are the ones who make our lives easier through everyday innovation by solving challenges that others haven't thought of yet.

Fields of work in computer engineering after graduation
Computer engineering is one of the fields with several work prospects for computer engineers. Some of the most crucial roles for a computer engineer include:
• software engineer
• computer networks.
• Telecommunication sector.
• Business support engineer.
• Embedded Systems Design.
• Computer systems and digital circuits.
• Computer operating systems.
• Design of databases
• Information technology departments.
• Information Systems Analyst.
• Programmer and designer of computer games.
• Website designing and development
• Design and development of computer programs.
• Design and development of mobile applications.
• Designing electronic services and smart systems.
• Work in the field of research and development.

Faculty Staff

Nada Ibrahim Mohamed
Teaching Assistant View Details
Marian Mamdouh Ibrahim Girgis
Assistant Professor View Details
Bassant Ashraf
Teaching Assistant View Details