Gihan Ahmed Ahemd Omar

Associate Professor

Associate professor of business administration more than 20 years academic experience employed as head of international business department at Chinese university ,faculty of business employed as assistant professor of business at Misr university for technology and managerial science employed as lecturer at Gassiam university , Saudi Arabia


2019 , Scientific Committee For Business Administration-Associate Professor of business administration 2014, El-Sadat Academy- PhD Dissertation titled "study the impact of the Balanced Score Strategy Map on the implementation of the organization 'strategic plans and its competitive Advantage, an applied study on the banking sector in Egypt. 2008, El- Sadat Academy- Master In Business Administration Thesis titled: ''Evaluation the role of top management in the strategic Planning process, an applied study on the petroleum sector in Egypt. 2004, El- Sadat Academy- General Diploma In Management Sciences 1996, Cairo University- Faculty of Commerce -Bachelor of Commerce

  • Business Administration

Cairo University- Faculty Of Commerce Egyptian Business Administrative Review-volume6 "The relation between strategic agility and environmental change and its impact on customer satisfaction: An Empirical study on the retail sector in Egypt. جامعة القاهرة –كلية التجارة مجلة إدارة الأعمال المصرية- العدد العاشر أثر حوكمة سلسلة التوريد على تدعيم الميزة التنافسية للمنظمة: بالتطبيق على قطاع الأدوية فى مصر جامعة القاهرة –كلية التجارة مجلة إدارة الأعمال المصرية- العدد العاشر محددات الريادة الإستراتيجية وأثرها على أداء المنظمة: بالتطبيق على المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر Alexandria University- Faculty Of Commerce JRL of the faculty of commerce for scientific research, volume 56 The Impact of Strategic corporate social responsibility on financial performance: the mediating role of sustainability balanced scorecard: empirical study on the Egyptian top 30 EGX-ESG index. جامعة الاسكندرية-كلية التجارة المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية-المجلد(56) تقييم عوامل النجاح الحرجة لأنشطة الامتياز( الفرنشايز) وعلاقتها بإدارة عدم التأكد البيئى قطاع الفرنشايز فى مصر جامعة المنوفية- كلية التجارة المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية-العدد الثالث اثر القيادة الاستراتيجية على جودة الخدمة التعليمية بالجامعات الخاصة المصرية: (التوافق الاستراتيجى وتمكين العاملين كمتغيرات وسيطة) Alexandria University- Faculty Of Commerce JRL of the faculty of commerce for scientific research, volume 59.N 2,March, 2022 The impact of strategic vision and balancing learning style on business model adaptation in the Egyptian private airlines. Arab Administration Development Organization - League of Arab States Arab Journal of administration. Volume 44. N1 . February , 2024 A Proposed model for the relationship between the key competitive forces and the differentiation strategy in the Egyptian national universities: The mediation effect of market orientation Alexandria University- Faculty Of Commerce JRL of the faculty of commerce for scientific research, Volume 61 N 5 September 2024 The key constituents of planned change corporate diversity strategy and its influence on Financial performance : The Mediation effect of customer- based reputation. Cairo university - Faculty of commerce The Academic journal of contemporary commercial research Volume 7 N 1 March 2025 The influence of business analytics on strategy evaluation process by mediating the virtual value chain -Applied to the Egyptian telecom industry